Weekly School Assembly
St. Patrick’s BNS celebrates learning, achievements and class accolades at our whole school assembly every Monday morning. Each class has the opportunity to shares areas of learning they found interesting, news from their class as well as the prestigious Captaen na Seachtaine award which all students strive to earn.
Captaen na Seachtaine
The Captaen armband is awarded weekly to a boy in each classroom. Boys make every effort to come to school daily, to contribute to their learning in the classroom, complete assigned homework and most importantly, enjoy school. The boy deserving of the Captaen award receives a homework pass as well as the famous Captaen armband which they can display proudly for everyone to see. “This armband is a great way to try and push boys to their full potential” (Farhan Fahim- Past pupil)
Lunch Time Pals
Lunch Time Pals is a fun initiative run by the 6th class in St. Patrick’s Boys. It takes place during big break every Tuesday and Thursday. Games and activities are organised and run by the 6th class boys providing an enjoyable lunch break for all in the school. Some of the activities include Penalties, Circuits, Basketball Shots, One Bounce, Basketball Matches, Accuracy Shots, Chess, Story Time and Ping Pong. Lunch Time Pals has proven to be a very successful initiative providing senior students with leadership and communication skills as well as developing the social and emotional development of all students in the school.
Maths Recovery
Maths Recovery is an intensive maths programme that targets children who may be experiencing difficulties with maths. This programme has been tailored to meet the needs of the students in our school school. It consists of three different parts; Maths Recovery, Maths Blast and Maths Factor. The three different parts are rotated throughout the school year so that first and second classes get to experience each activity.

Maths Recovery -  one to one instruction for our pupils who need it most.  I carry this out four to five times a week for half hour sessions. It is great to see the difference this can make to our boys. These one-to one sessions are suspended while the class is doing Maths Factor.

Maths Blast - 10/15 minutes of maths recovery activities at a whole class level. Initially I go in to the classroom for this and model the activities. The class teacher then takes over and implements the programme throughout the rest of the year.

Maths Factor - a four week period of maths activities with the children in small groups for an hour daily. Each of the six teachers involved do different activities with each group for ten minutes. The activities are based around number words, numerals, counting and grouping. The children work at their own pace and ability level.
Literacy Lift Off (LLO)
LLO is an intensive programme of reading and writing for a set number of weeks. Students learn to read and write by reading and writing. This programme gives students lots of opportunities to read books at their own level of competency and gradually lift the complexity of what they can do in both reading and writing. Students are organised into small groups of 4-6 according to their reading level. They rotate across 4-5 stations with a teacher present at each station. At these stations students engage in familiar reading, new reading, writing, phonics, grammar etc. depending on the age and ability of the class as well as the literacy needs in the classroom. Students will read a new book each day and parents are encouraged to read this new book for that day with their child. LLO has proven to be an extremely effective, worthwhile and enjoyable initiative for all students in St. Patrick’s.
Shared Reading
Shared reading is an activity for all the boys in the school to do at home with their parents. Each boy reads a couple of pages of a novel, factual book, magazine, newspaper or any other form of reading every day and record it in their shared reading/reading record booklet. This is then signed by parents/guardians. Many students have commented that Shared reading encouraged them to read more and provided them with an opportunity to practise their reading skills at home with their family. Many teachers have commented that individual student’s reading and comprehension improved, with positive effects on their confidence and sel-esteem.
Digital Literacy
St. Patrick’s BNS has always strived to embed digital technology in our school. Each student will have the opportunity to benefit from technology in their learning, and will develop key skills for the digital world. Students in St. Patrick’s learn to become digital citizens, acting appropriately and ethically in an online environment. We are a Google for Education school and each student will have a Google account during their time in St. Patrick’s. This account will be used under the supervision of the school to access teaching and learning activities during class instruction. All students will learn the key digital skills necessary to enhance their development building positive pathways for their future learning. St. Patrick’s currently has a Computer room as well as a suite of Chromebooks for students and teachers to assist teaching and learning. Students regularly access Google Classroom, complete independent learning activities, collaborate with their classmates online, research topics and display their learning for their classmates and family members.
Attendance Drive
School Completion
Homework Club
Chess Club